This website is fairly simple. We will have merchandise, some fun blog posts, and plan to add a page to detail the endangered species adoptions were planning…but really, it’s not complicated.

This site is mostly to introduce the idea my children had in 2020 when they decided it was urgent enough and important enough to them that they find a way to help others care about endangered species. They started with my son’s favorite, the Komodo Dragon.

Their message vehicle? Children’s books. The first of a series of fun children’s books is coming to Barnes & Noble,, this site, and our Publisher, Lauren Simone Publishing House.

The book is titled Dark Shade the Determined Dragon. In this book we meet a young Komodo Dragon, Dark Shade, who believes that since he is a dragon he can do what dragons do. In his first book, he wants to fly.

The story arc, character development, moral and overall feel of this book was created and developed by my two children who, at the time, were 6-years and 9-years old. We love Komodo Dragons, but no one more so than Anderson who sleeps every night with his stuffed Wild Republic Komodo Dragon that he was given when he was 3-years old. There is a story about this stuffy, I will tell you in a different blog post.

This book and the ones written and planned in the coming year, is full of facts about this wonderful, intelligent and special monitor lizard. We hope this book will make others love them as much as we do and help them by adopting a Komodo Dragon or by donating to support endangered species they care about. Saving these animals and their habitats starts with each one of us.